Lunch is a great opportunity to take a break from your day and refuel both your body and your mind. Learn how you can take advantage of this opportunity to benefit your diabetes and enjoy delicious plant-based food!

πŸ“ Vegans & the Diabetes-Friendly Diet

Lunch is a great time to gather with family and friends and enjoy some yummy dishes. Meal prepping your lunches is also a great idea if you don’t have a lot of time in between your busy schedule.

From wraps to sandwiches to soups and salads, there is something that every vegan can enjoy. If you have diabetes and follow a vegan diet, your meals might look a little different, but they can still be as delicious as ever.

πŸ₯‘ Vegan diets are made up of only plant-based ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, soy, legumes, nuts, plant-based dairy products, and whole grains, just to name a few. A lot of these ingredients also benefit your blood sugar because they are not rich in added sugar or saturated fats. Let us share some convenient and easy recipes to help you create delicious, vegan & diabetes-friendly lunch options!

πŸ“ Recipe Ideas for Vegans with Diabetes:

vegan recipeSometimes, finding recipes that meet the vegan criteria while also benefiting your diabetes can be tricky. Check out the recipes listed below from Diabetes Food Hub for some flavorful, vegan- and diabetes-friendly lunch recipes:

Summary If you are a vegan who has diabetes, it is important that you find foods to incorporate into your diet that provide you with a balanced resource of nutrients and help you maintain your blood sugars. Many of the recipes above from Diabetes Food Hub can be shared among a large group, or they can be a quick grab-and-go option for your busy schedule. Whichever fits your lifestyle, there is always a delicious and healthy option for you!