Did you know hunger is a reflection that your body needs nutrients and not necessarily just calories?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends three to five servings of vegetables every day. Yet 75% of the US population is not meeting this recommendation.

Do you too identify with this common struggle? Read on to find out what vegetables are best for those with diabetes and as a bonus we have added some of our favorite recipes.

How to Meet Your Daily Vegetables Requirements

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and American Diabetes Association (ADA) both recommend that patients utilize the plate method. This is an easy way to make sure that you have a balanced diet that included vegetables.

With the plate method, you will visually divide up your plate into different sections. Half of your plate should be non-starchy vegetables, one quarter should be lean proteins, and one quarter should be carbohydrates.

Non-starchy vegetables are recommended because they are low in calories, low in fat, will not spikes sugars, and are high in nutrients and antioxidants.

non starchy vegetables

Recipes for Non-Starchy Vegetables

There are so many non-starchy vegetables. Some of our favorites are:

Asparagus: It can be included in lots of different recipes, like this mini quiche, or used alone as a side dish.

Broccoli: Brocc is incredibly versatile, whether you prefer it in soups, salads, or an entree.

Peppers: All forms of peppers are great to include in your plate method. Bell peppers can be used in so many ways, and one popular entree is a stuffed pepper.

Zucchini: Last but not least is zucchini. It can be a delicious side dish paired with lean protein, incorporated into an entree like these tacos, or it can even be transformed into a substitute for pasta. Yum!

There are lots of different recipes, including the ones above, using all of your favorite non-starchy vegetables available on the Diabetes Food Hub website.

Summary It’s important to make sure you are eating enough vegetables every day to get the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. The ADA recommends utilizing the diabetes plate method and eating plenty of non-starchy vegetables. There are lots of choices with these out there and tons of different ways to prepare them. Find your favorite way to eat these vegetables and include them in your meals!

Disclaimer: Any information provided is not intended as medical advice. Iowa Diabetes is not responsible for any information from third parties.