Learn2Health: Learn about Diabetes and Healthy Meal Planning

Knowledge is Power!

Take control of your diabetes by learning more about it. We’ve gathered and created the best resources for you.

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Achieving Goals (Problem Solving)

What’s new with Insulin?

Injectable insulin is a requirement for managing diabetes for many individuals. Watch this video to learn what’s new, what’s to come, and how to save money on your insulin!

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Achieving Goals (Problem Solving)

The Peaks and Valleys of Diabetes

Managing diabetes is not an easy task. There are going to be many ups and downs. Watch this video to learn how to prevent hypoglycemia, maintain good sugar levels, and so much more.

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Healthy Coping

S.I.C.K. Day Management

Being sick is hard enough on its own. Being sick while having to worry about good blood sugar levels is a totally different story. Watch this video to learn how to take good care of yourself when sick.

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Being Active

Yoga for YOU!

Yoga is a great way to decrease blood sugar levels. Watch this video to learn more about some simple, easy-to-follow yoga positions for YOU!

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Healthy Eating

Fresh Fall Foods for your Diabetes

Have troubles finding fresh foods all year round? This video provides information on how to find the freshest food in the Fall season and how to pick the perfect pumpkin!

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Healthy Coping

Coping with COVID

Type 2 diabetes increases your risk for complications with COVID-19. Watch this informative video to learn more about how diabetes can affect COVID-19 if you get it.

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